About Henk Breeman

Henk Breeman has years of experience in substantive and administrative (procedural) law, particularly in the field of environmental and planning law, supervision and enforcement, as well as government liability law and the Government Information (Public Access) Act [Wet openbaarheid van bestuur].

As an attorney-at-law Henk has been involved in many large construction, real estate and infrastructure projects. He advises and litigates in urban and extra-urban redevelopment projects, infrastructural projects, complex spatial planning issues, (applications for) permits under the Environmental Management Act [Wet milieubeheer], environmental impact reports, as well as any enforcement issues related to the above.

Clients appreciate Henk's practical, result-oriented approach and his focus on the political-administrative and strategic aspects. They are also impressed by the ease with which they can contact him and his rapid response time.

Henk is a permanent annotator of the Bouwrecht (Construction Law) journal.

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